LiveWireLiveWire Virtual User GuideDownload PDF
DMS Devices tab
The DMS Devices tab displays the LiveWire Virtual devices associated with user’s account. A description of each of the available options and settings in the Devices tab is provided below:
Device State
The Device State displays whether the device is able to connect to the DMS portal.
Up: Displays the number of devices that were able to connect the DMS portal.
Down: Displays the number of devices the DMS portal has not heard from in the last two intervals. The default interval is 10 minutes.
N/A: Displays the number of devices that are not available to the DMS portal.
Registered Devices
The Registered Devices displays the number of devices that have registered with the DMS portal.
Present: Displays the number of devices that have registered with the DMS portal.
None: Displays the number of devices that have not registered with the DMS portal.
Activation Status
The Activation Status displays the number of devices that have been activated.
Present: Displays the number of devices that have been activated with the DMS portal.
None: Displays the number of devices that have not been activated with the DMS portal.
Click the Template button to select a template to apply to the selected devices. Templates allow you to apply version-specific settings to one or more devices. To create a template or modify an existing template, see DMS Templates tab.
Click the Configure button to configure the selected devices. If multiple devices are selected, certain configuration options will not be available and greyed out; for example, the Device Name. There are tabs available for configuring Settings, Time Settings, and Authentication.
Device Name: Displays the unique name given to the device. Type a new name to change the name.
Host Name: Displays the host name of the device used by DNS. Type a new name to change the name.
IP Assignment: Displays the current IP assignment for the device. You can select either DHCP or Static. If the IP Assignment is DHCP, then the IP assignment is configured automatically via the DHCP server. If the IP Assignment is Static, then the options below are available:
IMPORTANT: LiveWire Virtual is pre-configured to obtain an IP address automatically from a DHCP server; however, we strongly recommend the use of a static IP address for LiveWire Virtual. If DHCP is selected as the IP Assignment, and if the address should change on a new DHCP lease, then the user must look up the new IP address assigned to LiveWire Virtual.
NOTE: If DHCP is selected, you have approximately two minutes to connect LiveWire Virtual to your network in order for the DHCP server to assign an IP address. If an IP address is not assigned to LiveWire Virtual by the DHCP server within two minutes of being connected to the network, LiveWire Virtual defaults to a static address of Please make sure LiveWire Virtual is connected to your network within the two minute time period from the time you click Apply. If you reboot LiveWire Virtual, the two minute clock is also reset.
Address: Displays the IP address assigned to the device. Type a new address to change the IP address.
Netmask: Displays the netmask address assigned to the device. A netmask address, combined with the IP address, defines the network associated with device. Type a new address to change the netmask address.
Gateway: Displays the gateway address, also known as ‘default gateway,’ assigned to the device. When the device does not have an IP route for the destination, the IP packet is sent to this address as it does not know how to direct it locally. Only a single default gateway can be defined. Type a new address to change the gateway address.
DNS: Enter the address of any DNS (Domain Name Server) servers to add to the configuration. A Domain Name Server translates domain names (e.g., into an IP address. To add a DNS server, enter the address of the server, and click Add Server. Multiple DNS name servers can be defined. You can also edit or delete any defined DNS servers.
Add Server: Click to add the DNS server to the configuration.
DNS Servers: Displays the DNS servers added to the configuration.
Edit DNS: Click to edit or update the DNS server in the configuration.
Delete DNS: Click to delete the DNS server from the configuration.
DHCP Timeout: Displays the amount of time (in seconds) the device will wait for a DHCP address.
Time Settings
Time Zone: Displays the time zone of the device. Select a different time zone to change the time zone.
NTP Server: Enter the address of any NTP servers to add to the configuration, and then click Add Server.
NTP Servers: Displays the list of NTP servers added to Time Settings. You can click the Edit icon to edit an NTP server in the list, or click the Trash icon to remove an NTP server from the list.
Enable OS authentication only: Select this option to use the local OS authentication.
Enable third-party authentication: Select this option to use TACACS+ or RADIUS authentication. If this option is selected, click Add to configure the new authentication setting.
Add: Click to add a new authentication setting. You will need to configure the new authentication setting.
Search: Enter the text string to search the list of authentication settings.
Name: Displays the name of the authentication setting.
Type: Displays the type of authentication, which can be either ‘RADIUS’ or ‘TACACS+.’
Host: Displays the host of the authentication setting.
Port: Displays the port of the authentication setting.
Secret: Displays the secret key of the authentication setting.
In Use: Displays whether or not the authentication setting is in use.
Action: Click the Edit icon to edit the authentication setting, or click the Trash icon to delete the authentication setting.
Apply: Click to save the authentication setting.
SNMP Credentials
Enabled/Disabled: Select to enable or disable the SNMP Credentials configured below for the Authentication Password and Privacy Password.
Authentication Password: Type a new Authentication Password to change it from the default Authentication Password displayed in ‘LiveNX SNMP Configuration’ in LiveFlow.
Privacy Password: Type a new Privacy Password to change it from the default Authentication Password displayed in ‘LiveNX SNMP Configuration’ in LiveFlow.
Click the Upgrade button to upgrade the selected appliance remotely through the DMS. The version that the appliance is upgraded to is the latest shipping version of the appliance. There is no capability to upgrade to a previously released version.
Disable: Select to disable the upgrade on the selected devices.
Enable: Select to enable the upgrade on the selected devices. If you enable the upgrade, you are presented with settings to specify the date and time the upgrade should take place. Because all communications are initiated from the device once every ten minutes, the upgrade will happen as the result of the device communicating with the network, sometime on or after the selected time.
Apply: Click to save the changes to the selected devices.
Click the Refresh button to refresh the list of devices.
Elipsis (…)
Click the Elipsis (…) to view the following options:
Power and Reset
Change Password
Edit Additional Info
Backup Settings
Restore Backup
Create Template
Compare Configurations
iDRAC Settings
Power and Reset
Select the Power and Reset option to perform the actions below on the device.
None: Select to not perform an action on the selected appliances.
Power Off: Select to power off the selected device. Once the device is powered off, you must manually press the power-on button on each of the devices to power them back on.
Reboot: Select to reboot the selected appliances.
Factory Reset: Select to reset the selected appliances to their factory default settings.
Clear Activation ID: Select the check box to clear the activation ID.
Change Password
Select the Change Password option to change the password of the selected devices.
Current Password: Enter the current password.
New Password: Enter the new password. The new password must meet the following requirements:

Must have 5 different characters than the last password.
Must be at least 6 characters.
Must contain at least 1 number
Must contain at least 1 uppercase character.
Must contain at least 1 lowercase character.
Must contain at least 1 special character.
Confirm Password: Enter the new password again.
Edit Additional Info
Select Edit Additional Info to edit various settings of the selected devices.
Location: Displays the general location of the device. Type a new location to change the location. We suggest entering the physical location of the device for the organization. For example, ‘Office.’
Address: Displays the mailing address of the device. For example, 123 Main St., New York, NY. Type a new address to change the address.
Asset Tag: Displays the asset tag of the device. Type a new asset tag to change the asset tag.
Contact Person Name: Displays the contact person of the device. Type a new name to change the contact person.
Contact Person Number: Displays the phone number of the contact person. Type a new number to change the phone number.
Notes: Displays any notes for the device. Type any new notes to update the notes.
Reset: Click to clear the Edit Additional Info values.
Apply Click to apply the additional info to the device.
Backup Settings
Select Backup Settings to set up and configure a backup for the selected device. See Backup and restore for instructions on performing an actual backup.
Configure SFTP: Click to configure the SFTP (Secure FTP) server for the backup.
Hostname: Type the IP address of the SFTP server.
Port: Type the port used for the SFTP Server.
Username: Type a username.
Password: Type a password for the SFTP server.
Directory: Type the directory where backups are saved on the SFTP server.
Delete: Click to delete the configured SFTP server for the backup.
Enable Schedule: Click to enable scheduling for the backup.
Backup Filename prefix: Type a prefix filename for the backup. Each scheduled backup that is created will append the prefix to the beginning of the backup filename.
Date and Time: Click to configure the date and time the backup will complete.
Backup Interval: Type the number of days between YADA.
Retention Limit: Type the number backups to YADA.
Encryption: Displays whether or not encryption is configured for each scheduled backup.
Configure Security: Click to configure security settings to encrypt each scheduled backup.
Encrypt backups: Select this option to encrypt each scheduled backup.
Password: Type the password to YADA. The password must be YADA
Repeat Password: Tye the password again to verify the password.
Restore Backup
Select Restore Backup to restore a backup from an earlier backup. See Backup and restore for instructions on performing an actual restore.
Action: Click Restore to restore a backup for the device. You will need to select to restore either Application Settings or Application and System Settings.
Application Settings: Select this option to restore all application settings and customizations, including capture templates, filters, graphs, alarms, notifications, name table, SSL certificates, and custom plugins. .
Application and System Settings: Select this option to restore all application settings and customizations, including capture templates, filters, graphs, alarms, notifications, name table, SSL certificates, and custom plugins. Additionally, all system settings are restored and include all new and/or updated users, SNMP, NTP, network, time zone, and host customizations.
Password: Type the password of the backup you are restoring.
Restore: Click to perform the restore.
Status: Displays the status of the backup.
Backup TIme: Displays the date and time the backup was completed
File Name: Displays the name of the backup.
Location: Displays the location of the backup.
Select the Share option to share the selected devices with other users who manage and configure appliances. You will need to add a user by completing the Manage Users dialog.
First Name: Type the first name of the user.
Last Name: Type the last name of the user.
Email: Type the email address of the user.
Reset: Click to clear the Add User values.
Add: Click to add the user to the list of secondary users.
Primary User: Displays the primary user of the device when the device was registered with LiveAction. If multiple appliances are selected in the list of devices, the Primary User is not displayed.
Secondary User(s): Displays any secondary users assigned to the device. If multiple appliances are selected in the list of devices, the Secondary User(s) are not displayed.
Create Template
Select the Create Template option to create a template based on the configuration of the selected device. Once created, the template can be selected when you click the Template button. See also Template and DMS Templates tab.
Compare Configurations
Select the Compare Configurations option to compare details between two selected devices. This option is available only when two devices are selected.
iDRAC Settings
Select the iDRAC Settings option to configure various options for LiveWire Virtual that would normally be configured by using the iDRAC utility on LiveWire Virtual. See also Integrated Remote Access Controller (iDRAC).
NOTE: Only selected options available from the iDRAC utility are available and configurable below.
Hostname: Displays the Hostname of the device. Type a new Hostname to change it.
Domain Name: Displays the Domain Name of the device. Type a new Domain Name to change it.
Time Zone: Displays the Time Zone of the device. Select a new Time Zone to change it.
DNS Server 1: Displays the DNS Server used by the device. Enter a new DNS Server to change it.
DNS Server 2: Displays the DNS Server used by the device. Enter a new DNS Server to change it.
Web Server TLS Version: Displays the TLS protocol version support used by the device. You can select from the following: TLS 1.1 and Higher, TLS 1.2 and Higher, and TLS 1.3
Host Header Check: Select to enable Host Header Check requests.
Network Settings:
NIC IP Address: Displays the static NIC IP Address of the device. Type a new NIC IP Address to change it.
NIC Gateway: Displays the NIC Gateway of the device. Type a new NIC Gateway to change it.
NIC Subnet Mask: Displays the NIC Subnet Mask of the device. Type a new NIC Subnet Mask to change it.
Username: Displays the Username of the device. Type a new Username to change it.
Password: Configures the Password of the device. Type a new Password to change it.
Update Settings:
Enable Updates: Select to enable updates on the device. If enabled, you must configure the Update Proxy Server, Update Proxy User, and Update Proxy Password.
Update Proxy Server: Displays the Update Proxy Server of the device. Type a new Update Proxy Server to change it.
Update Proxy User: Displays the Update Proxy User of the device. Type a new Update Proxy User to change it.
Update Proxy Password: Displays the Update Proxy Password of the device. Type a new Update Proxy Password to change it.
Enable SNMP: Select to enable the SNMP Agent on the iDRAC. If enabled, you must configure the SNMP Community.
SNMP Community: Configures the SNMP Community name used for SNMP Agents. Type a new SNMP Community name to change it
Enable SNMP Alert 1: Select to enable the SNMP Alert 1 on the iDRAC. If enabled, you must configure the Alert 1 Target Address.
Alert 1 Target Address: Displays the IPv4, IPv6, FQDN address, or hostname of the target destination to receive alerts. Must be valid IPv4, IPv6, FQDN address, or hostname.
Enable SNMP Alert 2: Select to enable the SNMP Alert 2 on the iDRAC. If enabled, you must configure the Alert 2. If enabled, you must configure the Alert 2 Target Address.
Alert 2 Target Address: Displays the IPv4, IPv6, FQDN address, or hostname of the target destination to receive alerts. Must be valid IPv4, IPv6, FQDN address, or hostname.
Enable NTP: Select to enable an NTP server on the iDRAC. If enabled, you must configure the NTP Server.
NTP Server: Displays the name or IP address of the NTP Server. Type a new name or IP address to change it.
Event Filters:
Alert: Displays any iDRAC Event filters configured for the device.
Add: Click to add a new Event filter configured in the text box. You must provide any parameters by defining what you want to be alerted to and how you want to be notified. You can configure as may event filter commands as you want. The general format of an alert category:

Use the Search field to locate a specific device in the list of devices. Simply enter a text string to display all appliances that match the text string.
Display Columns
Click the Display Columns icon and then select the columns you want to display in the list of devices.
Export to CSV
Click the Export to CSV icon (…) to display an option for exporting the list of devices to a .csv file.
Check Box
To select a device in the list of devices, select the check box of the desired devices. Selecting the check box at the top of the column allows you to select or clear the check boxes of all devices in the list of devices.
Devices column headings
Descriptions of the columns displayed in the list of devices are provided below.
TIP: Below each of the column headings is either a text box or list box that you can use to filter the devices displayed in the list of Devices. To filter using the text box, simply enter a text string to display the devices that match the text string. To filter using a list box, click the box and select an option to display the devices that match that option.
Device Serial: Displays the serial number of the device.
Device Name: Displays the name of the device.
Host Name: Displays the host name of the device used by DNS.
Device State: Displays whether the device is Up or Down. A device is up if it has contacted the DMS in the last 25 minutes.
IP Address: Displays the IP address of the device. The IP Address value is a link which can be used to connect directly to Omnipeek running on the device. This makes it easy to use the DMS as a launch pad to access all of the devices being managed. It can also be used to discover the IP Address in the case where the device is set to DHCP, or for some other reason the IP Address is not known. The IP Address is provided by the device every time the device connects back to the portal, which by default is every 10 minutes. This way, if the IP Address of the device changes, the IP Address value displayed in the DMS portal will reflect that.
Model: Displays the model of the device (Edge, 1100, 3100, or Virtual).
Location: Displays the location of the device.
Address: Displays the address of the device. Typically, this is the mailing address where the device is located.
Asset Tag: Displays the asset tag of the device.
Time Zone: Displays the time zone of the device.
Expiration Date: Displays the date that the maintenance on the device will expire. Once the expiration date has passed, you can still access the DMS and use it to manage most of the device configuration; however, until the maintenance is renewed, the device cannot be upgraded to a newer version. As LiveAction releases new versions a few times a year with significant improvements, we recommend keeping the devices up to date with the latest releases of the software.
End Of Life Date: Displays the date for when the device should be replaced.
Notes: Displays any notes entered for the device.
Version: Displays the version number of the software installed on the device.
Engine Type: Displays the type of device, which can be LiveWire, LiveCapture, or LiveWire Virtual.
Shared Users Count: Displays the number of secondary users that have access to the device.
Scheduled Action(s): Displays any ‘Actions’ scheduled for the device.
Configuration Status: Displays any status associated with configuration of the device.
Registered: Displays a check mark if the device has been registered with LiveAction.
Activation Status: Displays a check mark if the license on the device is valid and not expired.